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Smoothie Recipes for Kids: Healthy - Delicious - & Non Dairy! (Volume 1)
Free PDF Smoothie Recipes for Kids: Healthy - Delicious - & Non Dairy! (Volume 1)
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Hey kids! Are you looking for some delicious smoothie recipes? Hey parents! Are you looking for some delicious smoothie recipes for your kids, that are also HEALTHY? Well, you have found the right smoothie book! These recipes are not just delicious. But they are also very healthy. And are full of vitamins, and minerals! These recipes contain only natural ingredients, from fruits, and vegetables. You, and your kids can both enjoy them on a regular basis. Take a look at what is inside... Berry Cherry Smoothie Almond & Chocolate Smoothie Banana - Anna Smoothie Figaro - Figaro Smoothie Coo Coo 4 Cantaloupe Smoothie Sweet Green Kiwi Smoothie Tango - Mango Smoothie Green Machine Smoothie Pineapple Orange Smoothie Bananas Are Born Green Smoothie Watermelon Lovers Smoothie Energy Minty Watermelon Smoothie Papaya Smoothie Tropical Fruit Smoothie Chocolate Banana Smoothie Pumpkin Pie Smoothie Berry - Berry Smoothie Chunky Booster Smoothie Grape- Ape- Fruit Smoothie Green Thunder Smoothie Enjoy!Series=Smoothie Recipes for Kids (Book 1). Paperback=104 pages. Publisher=CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (July 5, 2018). Language=English. ISBN-10=172237621X. ISBN-13=978-1722376215. Product Dimensions=6 x 0.2 x 9 inches. Shipping Weight=7.5 ounces (View shipping rates and policies). Average Customer Review=5.0 out of 5 stars 1 customer review. Amazon Best Sellers RankCooking with KidsDiet & NutritionChildren's Cookbooks=#2,454,655 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) .zg_hrsr { margin: 0; padding: 0; list-style-type: none; } .zg_hrsr_item { margin: 0 0 0 10px; } .zg_hrsr_rank { display: inline-block; width: 80px; text-align: right; } #195 in Books > Cookbooks, Food & Wine > Cooking Methods > #795 in Books > Children's Books > Growing Up & Facts of Life > Health > #1465 in Books > Children's Books >.
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